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Insegnante D’ Arte Floreale dal 2004 ,
Floral Designer Internazionale, Dimostratore, Scenografo.
- Amante della natura anche la più selvaggia da cui riesce con grande abilità
- ad estrapolare sempre qualcosa da utilizzare e trasmettere ai propri allievi.
- Il suo successo si basa sulla sinergia con la natura.
- Sempre alla ricerca di materiali innovativi.
- Sudia e approfondisce gli altri settori più trend della nostra epoca quali;
- Moda, Colore, Psicologia, Tecniche Artistiche, Arte Contemporanea, Arredamento
- L’esperienza trentennale del settore ha prodotto un’elevata professionalità artistica
- sia per la progettazione che esecuzione di grandi ambienti.
- Ha Collaborato con altri Floral Designer italiani per la produzione di diverse pubblicazioni e riviste .
- Vincitore assoluto in diversi concorsi regionali, nazionali ed internazionali.
- Commissario di Giurìa in diversi concorsi e Giudice
- Art Director in Eventi ambiti e prestigiosi territoriali e non.
- Floral Designer Internazionale, Dimostratore d’Arte Floreale, Interior Designer
- He’s a nature lover, even the wildest, he’s able with his great ability, to take always something to use from it and teach to their students. His success is based on the interaction with nature.
- He is always looking for innovative floral materials being ahead of the times. He studies other trendy fields of our time such as: fashion, colour, psychology, technical arts, contemporary art and furnishings. His thirty years of experience have devolepd an high professionalism in art design for small and big rooms’ arrangements and for any other public or private event. In the last years he has worked with other Italian Floral Designers for the publishing of several books including: “For an important day” and “The Wedding”. Called “Small TV Icon”, he has been present in various national networks to raise awareness of the relationship Among Man, Nature and Floral art, referring to different types of audiences.
- Experience
- ~~Demonstration of floral art Brussels, London, Lisbon, Zagreb, Porec (Croatia), Barcelona, Amsterdam, Greece and much of Italy~~
- He attended an Art High School. Since He was a child, He has a passion for flowers. He chose one of the most exciting paths of life: the Nature. Maybe the best gift We received from Someone.
After attending base courses and specialization at Federfiori, felt the need to attend European courses at High Levels run by International renowned masters. - From 1984 with his young wife, He began the tour in prestigious competitions where He won 3 Regional Cups and several National Cups (among this, the important “Orchidea D’Argento).
Among the International rewards, the most important ones are the three medals won at the Horti Fair in Amsterdam for the entire design and arrangement of the stand, in pure Italian style. - Art Director for “Premio Barocco” in 2003. He took part in several competitions as Jury Commissioner and part of Jury.
- In the last years He worked with other Italian Floral Designers for the publishing of several books including: “For an important day” and “The Wedding: When a dream blossoms”